该度量扭曲框架认为,n个选民和M候选人共同嵌入到公制空间中,因此选民对候选人的距离更高。投票规则的目的是仅鉴于排名,而不是实际距离,挑选了与选民总距离最小距离的候选人。结果,在最坏的情况下,每个确定性规则都选择了一个候选人,其总距离至少比最佳候选者大三倍,即至少有失真。最近的突破结果表明,达到3个边界可能但是,证明是非构造性的,投票规则本身是一个复杂的详尽搜索。我们的主要结果是一个非常简单的投票规则,称为多数否决权,它实现了相同的最佳失真为3。每个候选人的分数均以等于他的第一名选票数量的分数开始。然后,这些分数通过N回能的否决过程逐渐降低,在该过程中,当候选人得分达到零时,候选人会退出。一个接一个地,选民在常设候选人中降低了他们最不可能的选择,最后一位常设候选人赢得了胜利。我们给出一个单段证明,该投票规则实现了失真3.该规则也非常实用,它仅对每个选民进行两个疑问,因此它的沟通开销较低。我们还通过以下方式将多元化否决权否决为一类随机投票规则:复数否决仅针对k <n回合;然后,选择候选人的概率与他的剩余分数成正比。该一般规则在随机独裁统治(对于K = 0)和多数否决(对于K = N-1)之间,而K控制输出的方差。我们表明,对于所有k,该规则最多都会失真3。
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由于无人机成本降低并且无人机技术有所改善,无人机检测已成为对象检测的重要任务。但是,当对比度较弱,远距离可见度较弱时,很难检测到遥远的无人机。在这项工作中,我们提出了几个序列分类体系结构,以减少无人机轨道检测到的假阳性比率。此外,我们提出了一个新的无人机与鸟类序列分类数据集,以训练和评估拟议的架构。3D CNN,LSTM和基于变压器的序列分类体系结构已在拟议的数据集上进行了培训,以显示提出的思想的有效性。如实验所示,使用序列信息,鸟类分类和整体F1分数可以分别提高73%和35%。在所有序列分类模型中,基于R(2+1)D的完全卷积模型可产生最佳的转移学习和微调结果。
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Adversarial training is an effective approach to make deep neural networks robust against adversarial attacks. Recently, different adversarial training defenses are proposed that not only maintain a high clean accuracy but also show significant robustness against popular and well studied adversarial attacks such as PGD. High adversarial robustness can also arise if an attack fails to find adversarial gradient directions, a phenomenon known as `gradient masking'. In this work, we analyse the effect of label smoothing on adversarial training as one of the potential causes of gradient masking. We then develop a guided mechanism to avoid local minima during attack optimization, leading to a novel attack dubbed Guided Projected Gradient Attack (G-PGA). Our attack approach is based on a `match and deceive' loss that finds optimal adversarial directions through guidance from a surrogate model. Our modified attack does not require random restarts, large number of attack iterations or search for an optimal step-size. Furthermore, our proposed G-PGA is generic, thus it can be combined with an ensemble attack strategy as we demonstrate for the case of Auto-Attack, leading to efficiency and convergence speed improvements. More than an effective attack, G-PGA can be used as a diagnostic tool to reveal elusive robustness due to gradient masking in adversarial defenses.
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Today's software is bloated leading to significant resource wastage. This bloat is prevalent across the entire software stack, from the operating system, all the way to software backends, frontends, and web-pages. In this paper, we study how prevalent bloat is in machine learning containers. We develop MMLB, a framework to analyze bloat in machine learning containers, measuring the amount of bloat that exists on the container and package levels. Our tool quantifies the sources of bloat and removes them. We integrate our tool with vulnerability analysis tools to measure how bloat affects container vulnerabilities. We experimentally study 15 machine learning containers from the official Tensorflow, Pytorch, and NVIDIA container registries under different tasks, (i.e., training, tuning, and serving). Our findings show that machine learning containers contain bloat encompassing up to 80\% of the container size. We find that debloating machine learning containers speeds provisioning times by up to $3.7\times$ and removes up to 98\% of all vulnerabilities detected by vulnerability analysis tools such as Grype. Finally, we relate our results to the larger discussion about technical debt in machine learning systems.
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We consider the problem of improving the human instance segmentation mask quality for a given test image using keypoints estimation. We compare two alternative approaches. The first approach is a test-time adaptation (TTA) method, where we allow test-time modification of the segmentation network's weights using a single unlabeled test image. In this approach, we do not assume test-time access to the labeled source dataset. More specifically, our TTA method consists of using the keypoints estimates as pseudo labels and backpropagating them to adjust the backbone weights. The second approach is a training-time generalization (TTG) method, where we permit offline access to the labeled source dataset but not the test-time modification of weights. Furthermore, we do not assume the availability of any images from or knowledge about the target domain. Our TTG method consists of augmenting the backbone features with those generated by the keypoints head and feeding the aggregate vector to the mask head. Through a comprehensive set of ablations, we evaluate both approaches and identify several factors limiting the TTA gains. In particular, we show that in the absence of a significant domain shift, TTA may hurt and TTG show only a small gain in performance, whereas for a large domain shift, TTA gains are smaller and dependent on the heuristics used, while TTG gains are larger and robust to architectural choices.
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Rating a video based on its content is an important step for classifying video age categories. Movie content rating and TV show rating are the two most common rating systems established by professional committees. However, manually reviewing and evaluating scene/film content by a committee is a tedious work and it becomes increasingly difficult with the ever-growing amount of online video content. As such, a desirable solution is to use computer vision based video content analysis techniques to automate the evaluation process. In this paper, related works are summarized for action recognition, multi-modal learning, movie genre classification, and sensitive content detection in the context of content moderation and movie content rating. The project page is available at https://github.com/fcakyon/content-moderation-deep-learning}.
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Generalizable 3D part segmentation is important but challenging in vision and robotics. Training deep models via conventional supervised methods requires large-scale 3D datasets with fine-grained part annotations, which are costly to collect. This paper explores an alternative way for low-shot part segmentation of 3D point clouds by leveraging a pretrained image-language model, GLIP, which achieves superior performance on open-vocabulary 2D detection. We transfer the rich knowledge from 2D to 3D through GLIP-based part detection on point cloud rendering and a novel 2D-to-3D label lifting algorithm. We also utilize multi-view 3D priors and few-shot prompt tuning to boost performance significantly. Extensive evaluation on PartNet and PartNet-Mobility datasets shows that our method enables excellent zero-shot 3D part segmentation. Our few-shot version not only outperforms existing few-shot approaches by a large margin but also achieves highly competitive results compared to the fully supervised counterpart. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our method can be directly applied to iPhone-scanned point clouds without significant domain gaps.
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This paper describes our two-stage system for the Euphemism Detection shared task hosted by the 3rd Workshop on Figurative Language Processing in conjunction with EMNLP 2022. Euphemisms tone down expressions about sensitive or unpleasant issues like addiction and death. The ambiguous nature of euphemistic words or expressions makes it challenging to detect their actual meaning within a context. In the first stage, we seek to mitigate this ambiguity by incorporating literal descriptions into input text prompts to our baseline model. It turns out that this kind of direct supervision yields remarkable performance improvement. In the second stage, we integrate visual supervision into our system using visual imageries, two sets of images generated by a text-to-image model by taking terms and descriptions as input. Our experiments demonstrate that visual supervision also gives a statistically significant performance boost. Our system achieved the second place with an F1 score of 87.2%, only about 0.9% worse than the best submission.
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Giving machines the ability to imagine possible new objects or scenes from linguistic descriptions and produce their realistic renderings is arguably one of the most challenging problems in computer vision. Recent advances in deep generative models have led to new approaches that give promising results towards this goal. In this paper, we introduce a new method called DiCoMoGAN for manipulating videos with natural language, aiming to perform local and semantic edits on a video clip to alter the appearances of an object of interest. Our GAN architecture allows for better utilization of multiple observations by disentangling content and motion to enable controllable semantic edits. To this end, we introduce two tightly coupled networks: (i) a representation network for constructing a concise understanding of motion dynamics and temporally invariant content, and (ii) a translation network that exploits the extracted latent content representation to actuate the manipulation according to the target description. Our qualitative and quantitative evaluations demonstrate that DiCoMoGAN significantly outperforms existing frame-based methods, producing temporally coherent and semantically more meaningful results.
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基于流量的生成超分辨率(SR)模型学会生产一组可行的SR解决方案,称为SR空间。 SR溶液的多样性随着潜在变量的温度($ \ tau $)的增加而增加,这引入了样品溶液之间纹理的随机变化,从而导致视觉伪像和低忠诚度。在本文中,我们提出了一种简单但有效的图像结合/融合方法,以获得消除随机伪像的单个SR图像,并改善忠诚度,而不会显着损害感知质量。我们通过从流量模型跨越的SR空间中的一系列可行的光真实解决方案中受益,从而实现这一目标。我们提出了不同的图像结合和融合策略,这些策略提供了多种途径,可以根据手头任务的保真度与感知质量要求,以可控的方式将SR Slace样本解决方案移至感知延伸平面中更为理想的目的地。实验结果表明,与流量模型和经过对抗训练的模型所产生的样本SR图像相比,我们的图像结合/融合策略在定量指标和视觉质量方面实现了更有希望的感知依赖权衡。
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